"L' Allemande"

Length    cm. 24
Spread   cm. 45
Sticks      18 plus  2

England 1791

Printed paper fan with “ the 18 most danced motives of rural dances”. Besides the title and the music, here we have the movements that must have been done; it’s quite recurrent the recall to the figure of the “allemande”, a renaissance dance then codified in the baroque period and very similar in steps and figures to the minuet. (listen)
See an example
these new couple dances, have a more quick rhythm and they are the precursors of Valzer. The unworked wooden sticks underline the simplicity of the object, an interesting example of what will be the fan of the XIX century, not just a complement to the court’s dress, but a common adornment even in the middle social levels and shown even in informal events.


  Duke of Clarences Fancy 
  Whim of the moment 
  Duncan Gray 

Captain Mc Lean                       -Dreary Dun
Paynes Jigg                               - Mifs Dukes Faney
The Fife Hunt                             - The Birth day
Dibdins Faney                             - Garthland
Sir Alexander Dons                     - Ballata Waltz
Jem of Aberdeen                         - Waltz
The Harriot                                  -The Highland club
Kifs me sweette     

  Ringrazio l'insegnante di clavicembalo del Conservatorio G. B. Martini di Bologna Prof.ssa Silvia Rambaldi che ha assegnato, come tesi, a Vittorio Prandini la trascrizione e la composizione delle melodie; eseguite in concerto al Museo di San Colombano - CollezioneTagliavini


"Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail." Leonardo Da Vinci