Genesi: 31: 19-37

 "Giacobbe, Lea, Rachele and Labano”

Lenght   cm. 30
Spread  cm. 54
Sticks     20 plus  2 

England  1730-1740

Gouache painting in kid skin. The scene represents the moment when Labano reaches the Giacobbe’s caravan (Genesis: 31:19-37). There are a lot of characters: the wives, the concubines, few children, just one infant, and the 2 important men Giacobbe and Labano. On the extreme right, the servant ( particular 4) is very English, red hair and a definite profile; with a precise analysis, all the faces are very close to the portrait and the 2 camels’ heads are very tender, they remind to Loch Ness’ monster.
The scene is surrounded by a light flower stylized decoration, which has not the definitive canons ( flowers eramages golden profiled) which will be present after few years ( see nr 009 and 099 *). The sculpted ivory sticks, fretted and painted, are very rich with a decoration which reminds  the “ chinoiserie” taste so loved for all the century. On the guard and at the center of the throat, some oak branches with acorn, represent the concept the “ strength of the English spirit”.

Biblical Notes:
Gen: 31:19 ….. Rachele rubò gli idoli che appartenevano al padre......32:...Giacobbe a Labano.. Ma quanto a colui presso il quale troverai i tuoi dei,non resterà in vita!...... 34: Rachele aveva preso gli idoli e li aveva messi nella sella di un cammello, poi vi si era seduta sopra, così Labano frugò in tutta la tenda e non li trovò.........
"Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail." Leonardo Da Vinci